Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Delights

I've decided I love summer. I thought fall was my favorite season with its changing leaves, crisp mornings, and hint of woodsmoke in the evenings; or maybe spring, with fresh rain, muddy boots, and the promise of life returning with the first sprouts of the season. But, alas, I've been converted to a summer girl (at least for the next few weeks until we move to Arkansas where I might die a quick and sweaty death of heat exhaustion). I think it has something to do with the endless days, golden suntan (I once had a friend say even fat looks better when its tan - I totally agree), a cool breeze driving with the windows down, oh, and of course......the food!

The past few weeks have been exceptionally good for fresh food forays. Between the farm, garden, and other adventures - I've had plenty of deliciousness. I apologize in advance for these photos that will undoubtedly make you hungry, but, alas, this will have to suffice until someone invents edible film........

Blackberry picking on the 4th of July, turned into........

.......the most delicious dessert I may have ever eaten.

The other food was pretty tasty as well (everything homemade with mostly local ingredients): potato salad, coleslaw, corn salad/salsa, pasta salad, refrigerator pickles, watermelon, sausage, and berry mojitos! (I neglected to take a picture of them - I think I was too busy slurping mine down)

And a sampling from the UVa Community Garden.......

Purple hull peas and "sun gold" cherry tomatoes

Peppers, patty pan squash and more tomatoes (these all went into omelets with eggs from the farm for dinner the other night)

Garlic drying on the patio

Freshly dug Yukon Gold and All Blue Potatoes......before.....
........and after.

Cucumbers and garlic from the garden, dill from the farm........before.....


......and after. (I'll let you know how they taste in about a week)


  1. Yummy. I love summer, too. Especially summer in Oregon. Fresh everything, but especially all the fresh berries. Oh, and the lack of humidity and the long warm but not too hot days. Perfect. Miss you.

  2. FYI--while it's good to look at your photos to remember why I was liking summer a few weeks ago, I think I am ready for summer (at least hot summer the way Cville dishes it up this year) to be over :(
